Richard Raubolt Ph.D, ABPP

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst | Grand Rapids, MI

Dr. Raubolt provides psychotherapy for people seeking meaningful, long-lasting life changes.

From the comfort of his home office, you’ll find a safe, reflective space to explore the deepest parts of your psyche and find new solutions for your darkest issues.

Richard Raubolt Ph.D ABPP

Clinical Psychologist & Psychoanalyst
Grand Rapids, MI

Dr. Raubolt provides psychotherapy for people seeking meaningful, long-lasting life changes.

From the comfort of his home office, you’ll find a safe, reflective space to explore the deepest parts of your psyche and find new solutions for your darkest issues.

About Dr. Richard Raubolt

I am a licensed clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst who has been practicing psychotherapy for more than thirty – nine years.

I received my Master’s Degree in Applied Human Development from Columbia University in New York and my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Fielding Graduate School in Santa Barbara, California.

The American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) has awarded me Diplomate status with specialty board certification in Psychoanalysis. ABPP is the only multi-board organization recognized by the American Psychological Association’s Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology (CRSPPP).

It is the highest level of certification within the field of psychology.

A Life’s Work

I have written two books on my clinical work, my acclaimed Theaters of Trauma is used as a primary text in post-doctoral training programs. And Power Games, which was a Finalist for the Gradiva and Goethe Awards in 2013.

I have published more than 30 papers and produced four films. My first film, Detroit: Living in Between, was a recognized as a Finalist for the Gradiva in 2015. Recently, I have also begun to incorporate psychological insights with flash fiction to produce two films.

All my films are posted on my film website

Theaters of Trauma
by Dr. Richard Raubolt

Both the general reader and the professional therapist are invited inside the consulting room of a master clinician, to witness the theater of trauma where dramatic pain, fear, and despair are enacted side-by-side with courage, honesty, and resiliency.

A Life’s Work

I have written two books on my clinical work, my acclaimed Theaters of Trauma is used as a primary text in post-doctoral training programs. And Power Games, which was a Finalist for the Gradiva and Goethe Awards in 2013.

I have published more than 30 papers and produced four films. My first film, Detroit: Living in Between, was a recognized as a Finalist for the Gradiva in 2015. Recently, I have also begun to incorporate psychological insights with flash fiction to produce two films.

All my films are posted on my film website

Theaters of Trauma

by Dr. Richard Raubolt

Theaters of Trauma by Dr. Richard Raubolt -

Both the general reader and the professional therapist are invited inside the consulting room of a master clinician, to witness the theater of trauma where dramatic pain, fear, and despair are enacted side-by-side with courage, honesty, and resiliency.

Contact Dr. Raubolt

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